Owner Portal

Estimated future earnings, pricing & availability

Our owner’s portal, built by Felix, our software partners, provides you with a snapshot of your future bookings, including estimated earnings. You can also see an availability calendar which highlights the advertised rate and minimum night setting for every day over the next 12 months.

Ability to enter owner stays

You can enter your own bookings for your property via your owner portal too. Bookings can be made for friends and family members, though we do have limits on owner stays and minimum availability requirements that can impact the commissions we charge per booking.

Access to listing information

Finally, you are also able to see the listing content for your property on the owner’s portal, including both descriptions and photos. We allow requests, but tend to trust our knowledge of the industry in setting the optimum description for your property.

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Providing us with as much detail as possible will assist us in determining the best approach for your property.

Thank you so much for sharing the information about your property! We will be in touch soon and look forward to discussing the potentials of your property.
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